gRPC SSL communication

It's crytically important to ensure SSL encryption between defguard core and gRPC services (e.g. Gateway and Enrollment services).

You should only skip this step if you plan to have a reverse proxy in between that adds encryption itself or if all services are on the same cluster (like Kubernetes/Docker) and have internal communication.

gRPC SSL manual setup

To enable secure gRPC communication between all componets, you'll need:

  • CA certificate that wil be used to generate client certificates and also configured in:

    • core: DEFGUARD_PROXY_GRPC_CA and path to CA file

    • gateway (gateway.toml config): grpc_ca = "/path/to/ca.pem"

  • certificates for CORE and Proxy that needs to be configured in the DEFGUARD_GRPC_CERT=/path/to/cert and DEFGUARD_PROXY_GRPC_CERT=/path/to/cert

  • private keys for the certificates: DEFGUARD_GRPC_KEY: /ssl/defguard-grpc.key and DEFGUARD_PROXY_GRPC_KEY=/path/to/cert

Here is a good tutorial on how to generate a self-signed certificate.

Put the certificates in .volumes/ssl directory if you are using our docker-compose base deployment.

gRPC using reverse-proxy

If CORE or PROXY are using reverse proxy (NGINX, Caddy, Traefik, ...) that handles SSL termination (for example in this tutorial we show how to configure gRPC SSL reverse proxy using NGINX), then only you need to configure CA certificate paths for:

  • gateway - in gateway.toml add path to CA file, for example when using Let'sEncrypt you configure the CA path:

grpc_ca = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/"

  • core - same way you need to configure PROXY CA File path:

DEFGUARD_PROXY_GRPC_CA: /etc/letsencrypt/live/

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